Case Study

Customer Feedback Directly Integrated into Microsoft Power BI

Power BI solution lets users give direct feedback without third party software.

Business Case:

Immediate feedback is crucial to addressing customer concerns and improving products or services. To collect feedback, Power BI users have traditionally relied on third-party tools such as Google Forms, Qualtrics, and Survey Monkey.

To simplify collecting customer feedback in Power BI reports, we developed a solution that is directly integrated into Power BI and allows users to export data in various file formats.

Key Challenges:
  • Create an easy-to-use solution to capture user survey input in Power BI.
  • Allow users to export data in desired file formats.
  • Allow users to edit the collected charts and data.
  • Allow users to customize the survey template to suit specific needs.


We created an HTML form that is integrated into Power BI, allowing users to add feedback data directly into an existing database.

Key Highlights:
  • Feedback form integrated directly into Power BI.
  • Ability to export editable data in any file format.
  • The form includes a pre-made template for easy implementation.
  • Users can export data to Excel or PowerPoint in a grid format.
Figure 1: Feedback form example

We created our feedback solution using Power BI CLI tools. The feedback form supports short answers, paragraphs, drop-down menus, text, photo, and video fields. Users simply enter information in the data input fields and click “Submit.” After the data is submitted, it is passed as a parameter to an API call. At the API level, the input data is added to the existing database.

Figure 2: Feedback form back-end

Business Outcome:

Our feedback solution allows users to collect customer feedback directly in Power BI and export the collected data in a single click. Users no longer must rely on third-party software for customer surveys.

Outcome Highlights:
  • Saved time by creating a survey solution that users can configure to meet individual needs.
  • Reduced dependency on third-party software for customer feedback.
  • Users can export data to Excel or PowerPoint with a single click.
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